concept of this shard is pretty simple: we do not accept
anyone as a free shard.There is some reasons behind this
concept:first its because we spent ALOT of time desingning
the complexe wold inside our server.This wold is rich in
adventure and challenge and we do not want to see kids and
kewl dewds running around naked spoiling our fun.
base our playing experience on roleplay and cooperation
between each players.Having a product of quality mean that
all of our players is aware of his unique chance to live
in this wolrd.
server is very events oriented:sometimes globlins or orcs
raid a town but only to make a diversion for an other party
of trolls who kidnap the mayor of an other town while heroes
defend elsewhere.Having a low number of players is an asset
in our server the gm is working in making the wolrd that
grow around us alive and dinamic.
line the concept of this server is that we want to have
fun in a wolrd that we crafted ourselves with a powerful
tool that gave us enuff of options to make a challenging
realm.Now that the wolrd is created we play in it
